
Ultimate 3-Step Solution to Educate Your Child

November 25, 2023

Step 1: Identifying the Types of Learners for Your Child

By definition, learning styles refer to the different ways in which one learns, processes, and retains information. To ensure that your child is given the appropriate method to absorb most of what they have learned, identifying what type of learner your child is crucial. 

Thus, the four main types of learning styles are as follows; mainly

  • Visual – Learning through Seeing (Visuals & Imagery)
  • Auditory – Learning through Hearing
  • Tactile – Learning through Touch
  • Kinesthetic – Learning through doing & moving


Though most parents may assume that their child is a kinaesthetic learner with more hands-on learning, it is best for your child to be exposed to all the above types of learning and then narrow it down to one or two based on your observations that correspond to the learning type. To learn more about the various learning styles, you can check out this article by Ability Path over here.



Step 2: Supporting the Types of Learners as a Parent

Likewise, as parents, you all have a specific learning type as well. However, one may find it difficult to teach your child with a completely different set of learning styles as you. So then, how do you solve that problem?  


Well, fret not, the following also states some examples of how you as a parent can support your child in approaches that would aid your child to absorb the most information in a short period of time. 

For visual learners, they often learn best through pictures and imagery. Therefore, using creative and colorful mind maps are useful in helping your child to recall concepts using diagrams. If mind maps are not your desired style of learning, flashcards or storyboards could also be an alternative to retain your child’s attention span for a longer period of time.

Next, for auditory learners, they learn better with speaking and listening compared to reading and writing. Thus, revising concepts through debates and discussions on topics would be productive for them. Not to mention, the use of podcasts and audiobooks is also highly encouraged.

Lastly, we have the kinaesthetic learners. These learners prefer to learn through hands-on activities, whereby they are “doing”. Some examples of such learning approaches include having mini indoor science experiments or just using letter tiles as a useful and practical resource to learn English.



Step 3: Materials for Specific Learners

So then, after reading all the above information, it all boils down to this one final question: Where can I find such materials to attempt Step 1 & 2? Well, 72-Education has just the thing for you. 

We have meticulously hand-picked certain materials for the exact or similar problems and scenarios you might be facing as a parent; with the following contents;

72-Education is having a mid-year sale right now with up to 15% off for selected items and categories like books for phonics, etc. So then, what are you waiting for? Get your essentials today

To sum up, if you’re already identifying what type of learner your child is or would be after reading this big chunk of information, I’m happy to say you’re already halfway there to finding the best way. So, ease up, pace yourself and you’ll do great!