
Build the Basics of Your Child’s Future Today

November 25, 2023

Besides the fun and laughter, it is also essential for your child to learn about the basics of their life in the early years where one’s ability to take in information is at its peak. Thus, the following are going to be some skills you can teach your child in the comfort of your own home.


Learning to keep an Open Mind

A child is often caught up in their own world and does not think from another’s point of view. But, this skill can, in fact, be developed. For example, you could be reading a book to your child. Feelings could also come into place and be discussed by asking questions like “I wonder why did the chicken not cross the road together with the hen?” From there, observations could be made on how your child expresses their thoughts through their responses. As a result, this skill aids your child in being empathetic and making smart observations at a young age.


Making Connections

If you think about it, observations often link to making connections as well. Patterns in our daily lives, patterns, and routines that occur on the regular. The more connections there are, the more meaning and sense there is to the world in your eyes. For a child, patterns and connections can come in form of everyday household objects, like clothes or books. Such examples include uniforms needed as school attire, and associating cutlery with a storybook that they have read previously and learned its importance.


Critical Thinking

One of the best ways to build your child’s critical thinking is through rich, open-ended play. Make sure your child has time each day to play with their friends or even alone. Such games can also range from hide-and-go-seek to indoor board games. It is through these activities that they learn to take calculated risks, try out ideas, and make mistakes, as well as learn how to resolve them during that period of time, creating solutions – all as part of elements in critical thinking.



Going about it another way, the above skills are also as if they are systematic building blocks whereby one skill would lead or aid the other. Thus, by applying them by teaching it to your child, it is safe to say that the basics of your child’s learning development would already be established.