
Top 3 books Recommended for Phonics

November 25, 2023

Just like every other blog, 72-Education would be giving our take on the top 3 Phonics recommended books for your child that will aid them in their learning. With that said, we think that the following books are best for the specific age and growth of your child:


Honk Honk What Vehicle Is This

As children, they would have to be constantly stimulated to attract their attention and not be distracted by their surroundings. Involving discovering various vehicles and sounds with your little ones, your child would be able to differentiate the various modes of transport and proper pronunciation along the way.

Thus, the book further encourages family time by reading aloud to your child as they learn along the way! 

This book is best fitted for children ages 2-6.


How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?

Featuring a bestseller as well as award-winning series, this full-length picture book talks about how dinosaurs behave in school. Through this series, children would be able to learn about the different dinosaurs there is since the age of dawn! 

Similarly, like the previous recommendation, this series can enable your child to practice not only their pronunciation of words but also their spelling. This series of books is best suited for the ages 3-5 and unlock their potential interest in the encyclopedia!  


Monster Phonics 

If you do not or simply do not have the luxury of time to purchase these physical phonics books, one can always get a digital version! 

As such, we introduce Monster Phonics. Their site offers a series of Phonics e-books that teaches your child the basics of phonics via words and pictures. Besides, these e-books are free so you can teach your child with ease without spending a single cent!

Furthermore, this series offers a wide variety of materials as shown, leaving you spoilt for choice!


Check out their resources via the link below!
